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3月29日 samantha saint

已有 1729 次閱讀2019-3-29 00:08

 samantha saint
Samantha Saint was born on June 8, 1987 in Memphis, Tennessee. She is an American pornographic actress. Saint entered the adult film indusrty in 2011. At age nineteen Saint moved to Denver, Colorado. She attended the Aveda Institute, where she studied esthetics and received a license to practice within the state. Saint started performing in explicit hardcore movies in 2011. Samantha has a tattoo on the back of her neck as well as piercings in her nose, naval, clitoris, and both nipples. Saint was nominated for an AVN Award for Best New Starlet in 2012. Moreover, Samantha was the Pet of the Month in the October, 2012 issue of Penthouse. She enjoys such outdoor activities as camping, mountain climbing, and white water rafting. Enjoy in Samantha Saint nude pictures and porn videos. Visit Samantha Saint.com website ONLY if you are 18 years of age or older.


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