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Master huang's diary of entrepreneurship(April.6.2019)

已有 2385 次閱讀2019-4-6 12:32 |個人分類:创业日记

1.Haven't written a diary for days, I have researching the Scrapy source file all the time. Find that it's not a very difficult work to reading them as imagined before. As long as having the determination, I can well grasp the meaning of every sentence and understand the author's intentions quite well......Also I find it's same between reading and understanding an other's source file and writting it all by myself, it's also a wise decision because by this way I only neek to transform the tyre instead of inventing it repeatly......Must grasp and understand all Scrapy source file as it's the core of our system. Be patient and as we all known that clearing a game still takes a long times not to mention a excellent work, hehe......
2.I finally realized the essence of behind-back dribbling, hehe.....Didn't wanting to go playing basketball this morning as the hot weather, Qingming Festical's crowded people on the playground and my mentally depressed as a result of not waking up......Just as expected, so many many people...So I went dribbling in the badminton court, and finally I successfully get this beautiful dribble technique. haha......
3.Whether Harden could break Kobe's record of 2832 points one season or not is really a killing-Obsession(someone like me) question. The downside is that the remaining opponents are too weak, So It needn't Harden's well-playing. hehe......
4.So It's time to have lunch and begin the day's work after that......come on, master huang......

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